How Clean is Too Clean

Coming clean on the risks of using antibacterial productsPosted: 26 Jul 2011 09:00 AM PDT

When was the last time you cleaned your hands, washed some dishes or used a wipe with the term “antibacterial” in its name? With the public’s growing fear of germs and increased desire for fierce sanitation, the number of new antibacterial products has exploded to the point where most people use these kinds of products, and the chemical triclosan, on a daily basis.

Interestingly enough, you might not realize how often you are exposed to triclosan. Products containing the chemical can be found in many consumer products, from cosmetics such as soap and deodorant to dish soap, facial tissues, bed linens and toys. This hit home personally a few months ago when I discovered I had been using toothpaste containing triclosan.

Rachel Brown and Katie van der Sloot are two high school students in Medicine Hat, Alberta, who noticed a flood of these products in their community after the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. They wondered whether our massive defense against germs is actually riskier than the germs themselves. So they launched an ambitious science fair project to find out.

First, they found triclosan-resistant bacteria in their local water. And they’re not alone; Environment Canada has also found triclosan in the Saint Lawrence River. What does the presence of triclosan in our ecosystems mean? I was surprised to learn that it can poison aquatic life, persist in the surrounding environment, and bioaccumulate in animals. As a result, the David Suzuki Foundation placed triclosan on its Dirty Dozen list of chemicals to avoid in cosmetics.

In addition to the environmental effects of triclosan, the chemical can also promote antibiotic resistance. Rachel and Katie found evidence of this when the environmental and human bacterial samples they collected for their experiments showed signs of cross-resistance with triclosan. The antibacterial is also a suspected endocrine disruptor and may form carcinogenic substances, such as chloroform, when mixed with chlorine (this could happen when any product containing triclosan gets used with chlorinated tap water, such as when brushing teeth or washing dishes). As we increase the number of antibacterial products we use, our exposure and the risks to our health grow — triclosan has been found in human blood, urine, and breast milk.

While you can look for triclosan in the fine print of personal care product ingredient lists, manufacturers are not required to disclose ingredients in other types of products. Until this changes, the best thing you can do to avoid triclosan products (PDF) is avoid products that make antibacterial claims. Check out and sign the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics Pledge to go Triclosan-Free.

Since conducting their research, Rachel and Katie have become advocates against the use of triclosan by posting a video on YouTube. In an e-mail to the David Suzuki Foundation they state: “We believe these findings should be broadcast internationally for the health and protection of our society.” The pair is well on its way to doing just that. They earned a place at the National Science Fair and took home a bronze medal. They also won the UNESCO Peace and Development award and are on team Canada in an international competition in Slovakia this week. “We highly encourage all members of society to stop their use of antibacterial products altogether and turn back to good old soap and water for cleanliness.”

The Canadian Medical Association agrees; it passed a resolution (Resolution 74) to call on a federal ban on the sale of antimicrobials in consumer products, citing the effectiveness and adequacy of using plain soap in households to prevent infection. The chemical is on the Government of Canada’s radar as a part of the Chemicals Management Plan. The David Suzuki Foundation will be supporting a ban on this chemical.

From the David Suzuki Foundation

Beavers – Canada’s Eco-Saviours

I’ve always respected the hard working beaver – the watershed engineer of nature – and figured that we would do better to leave them alone and appreciate their indigenous knowledge. They know better than we do the ultimate purpose of their work and the interconnectedness of it all.

Now it seems that at least the Globe and Mail agrees with me:

The beaver’s new brand: eco-saviour

Erin Anderssen

From Saturday’s Globe and Mail
Published Friday, Feb. 18, 2011 7:24PM EST
Last updated Friday, Feb. 18, 2011 11:18PM EST

Our bucktoothed icon is hard-working and monogamous, steadfast and stable in the Canuck way. But beloved? Not when one drops a tree on your cottage or floods your land with its dam. These days, however, the beaver has a new brand: eco-saviour. An increasingly vocal group of scientists and conservationists believes the dam-building rodent is an overlooked tool to mitigate climate change – a natural remedy for our sick rivers and ravaged wildlife. Fly away with that, bald eagle.

Engineers with tails

It’s the beaver’s avid dam-building that makes it a star with conservationists. In 2002, when University of Alberta biologist Glynnis Hood was in the middle of getting her PhD, the Prairies experienced the worst drought on record. She watched the wetland dry up “right before her eyes.” But where beaver dams existed, the pond water remained. Poring through 54 years of historic aerial photos, records of beaver populations and climate data, she discovered that the ponds with active beaver lodges had nine times more water during droughts than ponds without dams. In dry summers, the beavers kept water from trickling out and built channels to guide the water in; they had more impact than any rainfall or drought.  …Read More

Optimism versus Pessimism – Is it a Trap?

My husband and I are opposites – I am optimistic generally -ready to lunge into things and Liam is the pessimist – wanting to be sure, researching the risks. Together we achieve a fine balance-though of course I prefer being optimistic!

So I was confused and fascinated to read this quote of Tom Atlee’s about being pessimistic or optimistic when initiating significant change in communities:

The Optimism/Pessimism Trap

I’ve found myself bouncing back and forth between optimism and pessimism. “Things are going to work out well.” Or: ” There’s going to be a real disaster!” It’s been really exhausting.

But lately something’s changing about all this.

I’ve begun to notice how the whole optimism/pessimism dichotomy is a death trap for my aliveness and attention. I watch myself acting as if my sense of what might happen is a description of reality. And what I notice is this: whether I expect the best or the worst, my espectations interfere with my will to act.

That’s so important I’m going to repeat it. Whether I expect the best or the worst, my expectations interfere with my will to act.

I’ve started viewing both optimism and pessimism as spectator sports, as forms of disengagement masquerading as involvement. Both optimism and pessimism trick me into judging life and betting on the odds, rather than diving into life with my whole self, with my full co-creative energy. …..

by Tom Atlee, Crisis Fatigue and the Co-creation of Positive Possibilities, Co-Intelligence Institute

I’m not too sure if I agree with Tom on this one. What about you? Get back to me with your comments.

My Three Muses of Sustainability

On Monday night I met 3 highly engaged people participating in the SLOCentre Inspiring Actions towards Sustainability meeting.

AMBER – who decided to buy nothing new for one year and blogged about her experience. She is now succeeding at being an Urban Homesteader – growing a great deal of her own food in 4 allotment gardens, canning and preserving it for eating year-round. She is always looking for ways to reduce her carbon footprint.

ERIN – Works for Just Food -She is very interested in improving local farmers access to consumers in Ottawa. She worked in the International Development field for 25 years and then left it to find a more sustainable way to make a living.

Raul – A filmmaker who wishes to use his video skills in publicizing sustainable food issues and in spreading the word about Transition Ottawa.

These muses of sustainability are lending their skills and taking action in turning Ottawa into a more sustainable place to live.

The Whole is Greater

I went to a meeting last night called “Inspiring Action towards Sustainability”. This was a kickoff meeting hosted by Sustainable Living Ottawa Centre (SLOCentre) to begin its move towards being a more sustainable community. I went because I want to start making my community, Vars,  more sustainable too; but I’ve been hesitant to turn my passion and intent into actions.

So I went to try to find out if there is a clear formula to follow, if there is a step by step guide or even a magic incantation that they might want to share with me.

Kaia Nightingale set the context for the meeting by using some slides and video from the Awakening the Dreamer symposium and played an excerpt from the Story of Stuff video produced by Annie Leonard. These materials identified some of the problems that we are trying to address: climate change; pollution; over-consumption; and our fossil fuel dependency.

But the most powerful part of the evening was when we separated into small groups. I met three other people who have radically changed their lives in the last 3 or 4 years in order to bring sustainability into their lives – all in very different ways. (More on them in a later post).

I came away from the meeting inspired, humbled, full of great new ideas – and depressed. I am an optimist by nature, but obviously, I was not getting anywhere. I need to take action but I haven’t – why not? In discussing the evening’s happenings with my husband “Liam”, a pessimist by nature, he further discouraged me – indicating that nothing will ever happen until the federal government sees the light (Unlikely, since they’re enamoured of the tar sands – tar-coloured glasses?).

A good night’s sleep restored my optimism and I realized that I had gotten some answers of value from the meeting.  There is no magic incantation – there is just persistence. Becoming sustainable needs to happen, the sooner the better. However, it cannot be done in isolation – we need to collaborate.That way, someone else can spell us off when we lose heart.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This is the mantra for those who collaborate – who get groups to work together; because together we can accomplish more than striving to do things by ourselves.