My Three Muses of Sustainability

On Monday night I met 3 highly engaged people participating in the SLOCentre Inspiring Actions towards Sustainability meeting.

AMBER – who decided to buy nothing new for one year and blogged about her experience. She is now succeeding at being an Urban Homesteader – growing a great deal of her own food in 4 allotment gardens, canning and preserving it for eating year-round. She is always looking for ways to reduce her carbon footprint.

ERIN – Works for Just Food -She is very interested in improving local farmers access to consumers in Ottawa. She worked in the International Development field for 25 years and then left it to find a more sustainable way to make a living.

Raul – A filmmaker who wishes to use his video skills in publicizing sustainable food issues and in spreading the word about Transition Ottawa.

These muses of sustainability are lending their skills and taking action in turning Ottawa into a more sustainable place to live.